
Ida ao Teatro - “Pirates”

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No dia 19 de maio, os alunos do 8º ano tiveram a oportunidade de assistir à peça teatral “Pirates”, totalmente apresentada em inglês.

Com produção de alto nível técnico e artístico, a peça foi encenada por atores nativos. O espetáculo proporcionou aos alunos a oportunidade de experimentar o idioma e as artes dramáticas em um autêntico e divertido contexto fora do ambiente escolar.


Gabriela- I liked the play because I thought that the vocabulary was easy. It was funny and super creative. The actors and actress were good too. (Gabriela Ayoub)





Laura- I liked the play. In my opinion, it was a play that hold my attention. Even being a play for younger people. It helped to expand the vocabulary and the pronunciation. (Laura Cortez)





Giulia- The play was really fun! It had a lot of colors and songs. It´s very educational and easy to understand. I Think the play should be longer because it was very cool. (Giulia Bautista)





Victor- I Tought it was very really fun experience and if could see it again I would see. But I think that it is was too short. I hope we can do this again one day. I recomend it. (Viktor Hattington)

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